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Version: 7.8.x


  1. Add a new OAuth consumer
    • In "Callback URL" use https://<oauth2-proxy>/oauth2/callback, substituting <oauth2-proxy> with the actual hostname that oauth2-proxy is running on.
    • In Permissions section select:
      • Account -> Email
      • Team membership -> Read
      • Repositories -> Read
  2. Note the Client ID and Client Secret.

To use the provider, pass the following options:

--client-id=<Client ID>
--client-secret=<Client Secret>

The default configuration allows everyone with Bitbucket account to authenticate. To restrict the access to the team members use additional configuration option: --bitbucket-team=<Team name>. To restrict the access to only these users who have access to one selected repository use --bitbucket-repository=<Repository name>.