This is not actually its own provider. For more details and options please refer to the GitHub Provider Options
- Create a new application:
https://< your gitea host >/user/settings/applications
- Under
Redirect URI
enter the correct URL i.e.https://<proxied host>/oauth2/callback
- Note the Client ID and Client Secret.
- Pass the following options to the proxy:
--redirect-url="https://<proxied host>/oauth2/callback"
--client-id="< client_id as generated by Gitea >"
--client-secret="< client_secret as generated by Gitea >"
--login-url="https://< your gitea host >/login/oauth/authorize"
--redeem-url="https://< your gitea host >/login/oauth/access_token"
--validate-url="https://< your gitea host >/api/v1/user/emails"